Open to children entering grades K–6 in Fall 2025.
• If you haven’t created a family account on Community Pass yet, we suggest you do so now—it’s free! Do not wait until registration opens to create your account.
• If you already have an account, go to it now and check to make sure your child’s current grade is correct. If it is incorrect, your child could be placed in the wrong age group when you register, and we might not be able to transfer your child to the correct age group if the Program fills up.
• If your child is entering Kindergarten in the Fall, their current grade level on CommunityPass should be Pre-K.
• CommunityPass will automatically move up your child a grade when you register for a summer program.
• If you need to correct your child’s grade level and can’t do it yourself, send an email to request a change.
• Please only register your child for weeks you intend to have them attend. As per the program’s refund policy, penalties may apply if you ask to cancel weeks you’ve registered for and ask for a refund.
• If a session you want is full, add your child’s name to the Wait List for that session. It’s FREE and your child may still get in.
To register (once registration opens): Go to Community Pass and select 2025 Summer Camps and Programs.
You can also find information for many other Fanwood Recreation spring and summer camps and programs that are also open for registration on the homepage of this website.
For more information, please download the 2-page brochure. Although we don’t require it, we ask, for the safety of all campers and staff, that you please have your child fully vaccinated.