Welcome to Crazy Chem-Works, where young scientists transform into chemistry wizards through a whirlwind of exciting experiments! Discover the wonders of “Super Sticky Stuff,” witness “Chem in a Flash,” and dive into the gooey fun of “Slime Time.” Experience the frosty magic of “Dry Ice Capades,” roll up your sleeves for hands-on “Lab Works,” and unravel the mysteries of “pH Phactor.” Light up the room with the dazzling “Glow Show” and explore explosive reactions in “Junior Reactors.” Get ready for a chemistry adventure that’s bursting with surprises and ignites a passion for science!
Time: Fridays, April 4– June 6, 4–5 PM. 8 sessions. No classes on 4/18, 5/30.
Place: Forest Road Park building
Grades: K–6
Cost: $209.
Brought to you by Mad Science of Northeast NJ. https://northeastnj.madscience.org/
This program will be run in accordance with New Jersey Department of Health COVID-19 safety guidelines. If required by NJDOH guidelines, registrants should bring their own face coverings. Parents/guardians of minor registrants will need to read and agree to an online COVID-19 legal waiver.
Registration: To register, please go to Community Pass, log in, click on “Browse Activities,” select 2025 Spring Camps and Programs, find this program, and follow the instructions on how to register online. If you haven’t created a family account on Community Pass yet, it’s free! No paper registrations or checks will be accepted for this program. For more information, call Fanwood Recreation, 908 370-7092.